Wahlpflichtmodul Multimedia Communication Systems 1

Credits Workload Kontaktzeit Selbststudium Dauer
6 CP180 h 3 SWS (45 h)135 h


Empfohlen: Basic knowledge in signal processing and communication (Bachelor level)


Veranstaltung/ Lehrform CP SWS Häufigkeit
Vorlesung und Übung Multimedia Communication Systems 1 6 CP 3 SWS WS, jährlich


oral examination (30min)


Lernergebnisse / Kompetenzen

At the end of the module students are able

  • to understand coding theory and modelling of multimedia signals for optimization of compression
  • to optimize methods of quantization and entropy coding, - design algorithms for image, video and audio signal compression,
  • to understand standards for digital representation of multimedia signals, and apply them in storage and transmission.


  • Introduction: Concepts and Terminology, Signal Sources and Acquisition, Sampling and Digital Representation of Multimedia Signals;
  • Perceptual Properties of Vision and Hearing: Properties of Vision, Properties of Hearing;
  • Analysis and Modeling: Fourier Spectra, correlation analysis, autoregressive models, Markov models;
  • Quantization and Coding: Statistical Foundations of Information Theory; Scalar Quantization, Coding Theory, Rate-Distortion Optimization of Quantizers, Entropy Coding, Vector Quantization, Sliding Block Coding;
  • Still Image Coding: Compression of Binary Images, Vector Quantization of Images, Predictive Coding, Transform Coding, Coding based on Similarity Properties, Component based Coding;
  • Video Coding: Methods without Motion Compensation, Hybrid Video Coding, MC Prediction Coding using the Wavelet Transform, Spatio-temporal Frequency Coding with MC, Encoding of Motion Parameters, Model based Video Coding;
  • Audio Coding: Coding of Speech Signals, Waveform Coding of Audio signals, Parametric Coding of Audio and Sound Signals;
  • Applications and Standards: Convergence of Digital Multimedia Services, Adaptation to Channel Characteristics, Digital Broadcast, Media Streaming, Interoperability and Compatibility, Definitions at Systems Level.
  • Still Image Coding Standards: JBIG, JPEG, Video Coding Standards: H.26x, MPEG-x, Audio Coding Standards: Speech, Music and Sound;
  • Quality Measurement: Objective Signal Quality Measurements, Subjective Assessment.

Alternative Wahlmodule zu diesem Modul

Dieses Modul gehört zur Gruppe "Wahlpflichtmodule". Insgesamt 6 Fächer (Vorlesung/Übung) aus den Wahlangeboten einer der beiden Studienschwerpunkte Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik (IK) und Elektrische Energietechnik (ET); davon z.B. 4 Fächer im 1. Jahr und 2 Fächer im 2. Jahr.
Auf Antrag beim Prüfungsausschuss können auch andere als die angegebenen Fächer aus dem Gesamtangebot der Fakultät gewählt wer- den.

Elektrische Energietechnik

Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik


Master of Science: Fach Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik: Bereich Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik


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