Themenmodul Designing Interactive Systems
Credits | Workload | Kontaktzeit | Selbststudium | Dauer | Semester-Zeitraum | |||||
6 CP | 180 h | 5 SWS (75 h) | 105 h | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Required courses from the first four semesters should be completed.
Veranstaltung/ Lehrform | CP | SWS | Semester | Häufigkeit | |
Vorlesung: Designing Interactive Systems | 6 CP | 3 SWS | 5. Sem. | WS, jährlich | |
Übung: Designing Interactive Systems | 2 SWS | 5. Sem. | WS, jährlich |
Klausur oder mündliche Prüfung
Die Modulnote ist die Note der Klausur bzw. der mündlichen Prüfung.
Lernergebnisse / Kompetenzen
- development of user interfaces over the past decades
- constants of human performance to be considered when designing them
- iterative design, prototyping, and evaluation methods for usable, appropriate user interfaces in a usercentered fashion
- group assignments to foster collaboration skills, project-based to strengthen project planning, conflict management and presentation skills
- thinking in designers' terms
- introduction to human-computer interaction (HCI) and user interface design
- fundamental characteristics of human cognition: reaction time, rules of perception, and memory performance
- models of interaction between people and their environment, such as affordances, mappings, constraints, slips and mistakes
- milestones in the history of human-computer interaction
- principles of iterative design
- user interface prototyping techniques
- golden rules of user interface design
- user interface design notations
- user studies and evaluation methods
Sonstige Informationen
Pflichtmodul. Unterrichtssprache Englisch.
Bachelor of Science: Fach Grundlagen der Informatik
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